
Please and Thank You

This post is inspired by friend Amy who one complained on social media that the habit of sending a formal thank-you note is growing extinct. Here was her take on the likelihood of getting one: from the Greatest Generation, absolutely; Boomers, probably; Gen X, might hit it lucky; Gen Y and beyond, don’t hold your breath.

Never mind getting a note. I’d like to hear the words “thank you” more often. While we are at it, “please,” too.

I recall my parents, who are from the Greatest Generation, insisting we say please and thank you. We grew up in a household so modest, it was not a given we would ever get anything extra. When we did, we made sure to thank our parents or whoever was being generous.

Frankly, I like the reaction when I tell a stranger, say a store clerk or someone who holds the door, thank you. I always give a thankful wave when a driver lets me in line or cross a busy road on foot. (Thank you to the people who lived long before us who planted that lovely azalea bush you see above in our side yard.)

Please? It’s a word that sweetens any request.

We made a strong effort to teach our children to have good manners. Once when the two youngest were older teenagers, we stopped for ice cream. They said “thank you” after I handed them their cones. The woman behind the counter, from the Greatest Generation, praised my kids for their good manners. She said she never hears “thank you” very often.

My former newspaper once sent me to a management workshop. The most valuable lesson I learned was that of all things employees want is to feel appreciated. I tried to remember that with my staff at the newsrooms where I worked by saying thank you for the hard work they do. I meant it, too.

So in keeping with this practice, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say thank you for reading whatever I write — my books and posts. And thank you, Amy, for the inspiration.
